Sunday 16 March 2008

The perfect week!

Having made a commitment last week to establish some routine I managed to have a great week. I swam on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and clocked up 15kms! I couldn't swim on Thursday as I had an early start to Portsmouth but I am really happy with what I acheived. Was hoping to also swim today but Adam forgot his swim stuff and we decided that it might be nice to actually have a lie in this week sometime! So we forgo swimming for a few more hours in bed and brunch at Frankie and Benny's! Next week swimming may be a little haphazard again because of the long weekend taking me away from London but I will definitely swim Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings and must force myself to put a session in on Monday night! It'll be tough because I know I'll be tired but I will really try and make it. I hope then to hit the 15kms weekly target I have set myself as a good start point.

Unfortunately, having spoken to the RAF Swimming Association Chairman it is looking unlikely that I will be allowed to swim the relay which will be a massive blow. I am hoping for good news but I am not getting my hopes up and am preparing for having to complete the solo without having had that experience. However, if it falls through I think I will use the extra money to have a swim trek holiday - many people have rated them and it will get my long distance experience up. Just keeping everything crossed at the moment.......

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